VENOMOUS SPIDER'S WEB PAIN-GRUDGE-SORROW-FURY DELETE-HEADACHE-HANG UP-DIZZY 糸を這わす極彩色の罠で 背徳感を着せられたまま 「愛想良く笑ってくれないか?」 モザイクの先でちらつかす毳毳しい刃 Like a bacteria You repeat an increase Like a bacteria The spider which undermines me ベタベタと絡み付く猛毒に まるで骨の随までしゃぶり尽くされてるようさ Mischief of the venomous spider Delete this deadly poison Mischief of the venomous spider その毒は蜜より甘いのさ This is skillful trap Delete this deadly poison Like a bacteria The spider which undermines me Perfect trap... Delete this deadly poison ----- SLUDGY CULT Satanic play 病的な図式 噛み付く姿勢あれど 首輪外せぬTimid baby 退廃的楽園の闇で Unsatisfactory double suicide まとわりついた感情に雁字搦めの犬 塗り合う罪と忠誠心 何も生まぬBackstair gossip [SLUDGY] Your remark Position 当てにならないぜ Your remark Position 戯言ばかりさ 交わる事が出来ないなら ばらばらに散ればいい Abandon an ideal まとわりついた感情に雁字搦めの犬 塗り合う罪と忠誠心 何も生まぬBackstair gossip Show your instinct Abandon an ideal 塗り合う罪と忠誠心 何も生まぬBackstair gossip [SLUDGY] Your remark Position 当てにならないぜ Your remark Position 戯言ばかりさ [SLUDGY] Your remark Position 価値ある死に様を Your remark Position 噛み付けば終わる ----- THE SUICIDE CIRCUS (Clique aqui para ver a tradução em Inglês e a letra em romaji) Visionの腐敗 Here is a hell on earth I felt a chill The disappointment that increases [TICK-TACK...] Nobody can rewind time Don't look away Suicide circus Aged hatred and young cold-blooded mind Reason of the chill 其処に蠢くPoverty [TICK-TACK...] Nobody can rewind time 飛び散ったMerciless scene 噎せ返るような生々しさに人は惹かれ その触れた手に付着した恐怖もやがては薄れ Metamorphosis All is paralyzed Chain reaction Sympathizers with a similar pain 救われぬ未来を抱え込み 踏み外したその弱さも 塞ぎ込み見失う自分を断ち 知って欲しかったその孤独も 不意に目の前を塞いだ苦脳の日々に掛け違うその憂鬱も 愛情故の言葉に憎悪抱き 惜しみなく曝け出す狂気も もう戻れない 絡まり過ぎて Even death becomes the prey Heartless day Bottom of the abyss Suicide circus Why is it repeated? Suicide circus Justice died Bottom of the abyss Suicide circus Why is it repeated? Suicide circus ----- MY DEVIL ON THE BED (Clique aqui para ver a tradução em Inglês e a letra em romaji) Mary...Kiss my chest deeply 欲を狂わすChloeのFeminine Mary...Your the eyes 絡む呼吸は生暖かく Abandon insanity Scatter instinct 視線逸らさず噛み付いて 零さぬように舌先で Endless fuckin' show time The beautiful devil on the bed Tempt me by masturbation The beautiful devil on the bed Let's have sex in darkness 寸劇 絶頂の最上階 すぐ其処で笑ってるようで Endless fuckin' show time The beautiful devil on the bed Tempt me by masturbation The beautiful devil on the bed Let's have sex in darkness Abandon insanity Tempt me by masturbation My devil on the bed ----- UNTITLED いいわけを静かに聞き流してくれたのは… 「夢を見ていたよ 縋り付くだけのキミに」 ―ありふれた言葉並べて 隙間を埋めるのは簡単ね 許し合う事に疲れたのは いつまでも変わらぬキミの嘘― Why do I repeat myself again? 悲しませる「癖」にまた一つ言葉を失くす その涙の理由さえも何故僕は壊すのだろう? 俯き床をなぞる 交わさぬこの目を見つめ 問いかける声にまだ膝を抱えたままで ―ありふれた言葉並べて 隙間を埋めるのは簡単ね 許し合う事に疲れたのは いつまでも変わらぬキミの嘘― Why do I repeat myself again? 悲しませる「癖」にまた一つ言葉を失くす その涙の理由さえも何故僕は壊すのだろう? いつかの君が言っていた最期が見えた気がして 少しずつ消えてゆく変わらない君の笑みに 少しずつ離れてゆく心に触れた気がした そう…悲しみが これ以上聞こえぬように そっと耳を塞ぐように 壊れてしまわないように ----- RUTHLESS DEED 脅威に喰われ退廃の巣が溶け脳内を抉るParadox I looked at the human truth 救いのその手 何処から滑らす? Beautiful lie [Coward than anyone else] However, it is right Beautiful lie [You don't change even if escape somewhere] Nothing is wrong This is a fact 群れをなし安息へ向かう影 In chaos 脅威に喰われ退廃の巣が溶け脳内を抉るParadox 目に見えぬのは明日だけでは無く 無数に転がる思想 現実は何時も歪むモノクロームParadox 目に映るのは偽善なのでは無く 数と比例する思想 溶け出す報い鳴き止まぬ 剥がれそうな心に Asking oneself 答えさえも散る 脅威に喰われ退廃の巣が溶け脳内を抉るParadox 腐敗は隠されたもう一つの渦中で 何と引き換えに悲鳴をあやし傷を埋める? 無慈悲な灯火 溶け出す報い鳴き止まぬ 剥がれそうな心に問うように 明日を疑い今を躊躇う 啜り泣くあの空は真実が散る 現実は何時も歪む白と黒 脳内を抉るParadox ----- PSYCHOPATH Right now destroy FAR OUT Did you drop the sexual organs somewhere? 笑顔の裏の傲慢さ Splendid ugly boy I want to destroy the your face By my this hand Product of the rotten industry creepy creature Play of psychopath Disagreeable Splendid ugly boy I hate you Psychopath I want to the your face Play of psychopath Disagreeable Splendid ugly boy I hate you Psychopath I make sure of your brilliant end with my naked eyes Play of psychopath Splendid ugly boy Play of psychopath Disagreeable Splendid ugly boy I hate you Psychopath ----- TOMORROW NEVER DIES Don't delete the value to live for by death 感情を掻き乱して君が踊ってる 日々感じる苦痛を吐いて明日を生きれるなら The only words that I can say to you ―Don't forget the heat that felt here― 脈打つ鼓動 胸に刺して君が嘆き叫ぶ ヘドロ塗れのその足で此処に孤独を捨てに来ればいい The only words that I can say to you ―Don't forget the heat that felt here― Spit out a pain here Erase a hesitation 聞こえているかい? To this day How many times did you think about death? In the small world The death doesn't give freedom to you Even feelings fade away How many times did you think about death? In the broken world If you can believe nothing Spit out a pain here The only words that I can say to you ―Don't forget the heat that felt here― 切りつける前に問いかけてみな あがいてまで生きてゆく価値に 明日を断つその無意味さに 誰かが願った明日に― How many times did you think about death? In the small world The death doesn't give freedom to you Even feelings fade away How many times did you think about death? In the broken world Tomorrow does not disappear Don't kill yourself How many times did you think about death? In the small world The death doesn't give freedom to you Even feelings fade away How many times did you think about death? In the broken world Tomorrow does not disappear Don't kill yourself |
2 comentários:
As letras estão ficando cada vez mais fortes, eu acho XD Medo do Ruki -QQ
Gostei da palavra abyss aparecer na letra de Suicide Circus, acho que é uma palavra q não tem em nenhum outra letra deles, pelo q me lembre, e é legal pq lembra do abyss/lucy. Apesar de não ter nada conectado.
My Devil on the Bed tem a letra mais insana do que eu esperava AHSUASUHSA
WTF com as primerias partes da Psycopath GENTE
Uma das letras que já mais gostei foi a Tomorrow never Dies, realmente gostei da mensagem que ela passa...
Mas vou esperar sair as outras letras em inglês ou já tradução direta XD Estou bem curiosa pra ver a letra de Untitled e da Ruthless Deed
Enfim, obrigada por postar Ruby /o/
Did you drop the sexual organs somewhere?"
Minha nossa (O.O)
parece industrial..da ate vontade de dançar LOL
Adorei as musicas,estao beem mais fortes mesmo..dorei dorei *0*
TOMORROW NEVER DIES ..parece que é pra mim(;;)
UNTITLED é linda ..nao so a melodia ..achei um musica bemm pessoal tipo,cantando pra si mesmo..sei la(;;)
mas adorei ..todas sao mto hipnotizantes *U*
obrigada Ruby
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